A Heightened Level of Clarity for Polymaths with Ranjit Marathay [The Polymath PolyCast] artwork
The Polymath PolyCast with Dustin Miller

A Heightened Level of Clarity for Polymaths with Ranjit Marathay [The Polymath PolyCast]

  • S2E18
  • 1:25:53
  • June 30th 2020

Hello Innovators! I am Dustin Miller PolyInnovator. Today we are talking with Ranjit Marathay from GetPolymath A polymathic productivity planner!

"The Battle of what you Think you want vs. what you Actually Want"

"It's the Battle Against your Ego"









0:00 Intro

2:30 What was Ranjit's Mindset prior to all his endeavors?

5:00 Brain to Computer Ideal Connection #efficiency

8:20 Detachment and Observation of your Emotions

10:50 Living in Multiple Cities

12:30 The Super Connector


13:30 Swimming Tips!

16:00 Ultrawide Monitors

19:30 Productivity Planner

28:00 It's Not WHAT you do it is HOW you do it

30:30 What is a Polymath to You?

36:00 Modern Polymath

38:00 Status and Sums

40:00 Effective Investing

44:00 Gaining clarity through context

47:30 How to gain clarity on life?

51:00 Four Pillars Philosophy

53:00 Guy Talk


55:00 There is no one size fits all to spirituality

55:55 Always known he was going to go into business

01:00:00 Your Hobby can Become Your Business

01:02:30 Lone Geniuses Fail

01:05:00 Rise of the Polymath Planner

01:07:00 Habits and Actions

01:09:00 Modular Degree Education

01:12:00 Build a Solid Foundation

01:17:00 What do you think? #CHOICE

01:20:00 The Workplace is What skills do you bring to the table?

01:22:00 Just Start doing things

01:24:00 Outro

The Polymath PolyCast with Dustin Miller

This show is for the polymathic, the entrepreneurial, the multipotentialites, and the Innovators!

The Polymath PolyCast: Unlocking Polymathic Potential

Welcome to the PolyCast, the show for the intellectually curious, the creatively diverse, and the endlessly innovative. I am your host Dustin Miller PolyInnovator, and this is the audio arm of my vast content ecosystem.

Now in Season 6!


Join me on a journey to becoming a polymath, and on the way we can explore the world of polymathy.

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Fireside MicroPolyCast:

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On the PolyCast, I believe that the pursuit of knowledge knows no bounds. Each episode is a unique exploration of interdisciplinary thinking, innovation, and the polymathic spirit. Join me and unleash your own polymathic potential.

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