Pray This Way. With Dr. Hal Green artwork

Pray This Way. With Dr. Hal Green

51 episodes

Pray This Way. With Dr. Hal Green

           Humanity as a whole is in desperate need to rediscover and reconnect with God. Prayer offers the only means available to do so directly and satisfactorily. Dr. Hal Green has been teaching and conducting prayer retreats for three decades across the Midwest of the United States. His book, Pray Like This to Connect with God, is set to be published later this year. Like the book, the podcasts will describe the nature of prayer, along with examining various aspects of prayer and praying. These subjects will be followed by a multitude of prayer exercises in the areas of breath prayers, praying the scriptures (Lectio Divina), praying with the saints, meditative prayer, and contemplative prayer.

           The goal of the podcasts will be to guide persons from ignorance of, to encounter with, God. Sadly, so few persons are aware of the astounding wealth of prayer knowledge and experience available to us across more than two millennia. The heart of the podcasts, then, will be to assist listeners to morph from prayer as a monologue to God, to prayer as a dialogue with God.