129  Looking at content marketing through a PR lens with Trevor Young artwork
REPUTATION REVOLUTION: The Personal Brand Monetisation Show

129 Looking at content marketing through a PR lens with Trevor Young

  • 35:10
  • October 28th 2018

Reputation Revolution host Trevor Young swaps seats with Brendan Keogh to chat all things content marketing from a PR perspective.

Professional experts have everything they need today to become their own media channel and build and communicate directly with an audience of fans and supporters of their work.

Trevor talks about the importance of building out the VITAL pillars of your brand.

VITAL stands for:

VISIBILITY - raising awareness of your brand, cause or issue by establishing and maintaining an active, respectful and visible presence in the marketplace or community in which you operate

INFLUENCE - creating behavioural change by motivating people to take a specific course of action, individually or en masse

TRUST - building reputation by growing the bonds of trust between your entity and its ‘publics’ (the people who matter most to the success of your business, cause or issue)

ADVOCACY - growing and nurturing a solid base of champions, enthusiasts and allies of your brand, people who will talk positively about your organisation, share your content and defend you if and when necessary

LEADERSHIP - establishing and reinforcing a knowledge, thought, community or industry leadership positioning in the marketplace.

Trevor explains why shortcuts don't work in today's cynical and distrusting world, and how thought leaders should instead focus their efforts on building out a solid body of content that will work for their personal brand over the journey.

Follow Trevor on Twitter - @trevoryoung

Check out his PR Warrior blog.

REPUTATION REVOLUTION: The Personal Brand Monetisation Show

How do you extract value from the profile and reputation you've built in the marketplace?

How can you more effectively package and leverage your knowledge and expertise for greater influence and impact?

Welcome to Reputation Revolution, the show where we dissect what’s involved in commercialising - and profiting from - your professional personal brand.

You’ve put in the hard yards: now it’s time to capitalise!

Let’s dive in!


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