134 How Helen Blunden stays professionally relevant through digital experimentation artwork
REPUTATION REVOLUTION: The Personal Brand Monetisation Show

134 How Helen Blunden stays professionally relevant through digital experimentation

  • 36:48
  • December 2nd 2018

Helen Blunden is a modern learning practitioner with over 24 years experience in the corporate world.

She helps professionals build their digital skills, capabilities and networks so they stay up to date in their field, industry or profession especially when the world and our workplaces are changing around us.

Helen says her "unique super power" is that she practises what she preaches when it comes to social media for networked learning.

A self-confessed introvert, Helen explains how she experiments with social media and digital tools as a way of staying professionally relevant, even though putting herself out there on the web gives her the "heeby jeebies".

In this conversation with Trevor Young, Helen touches on a variety of topics, including:

  • the early days of blogging and Twitter
  • Snapchat, vlogging and learning through experimentation
  • showing and sharing the process of your work, and the opportunities that come from that, including exposure to new thinking and connections made with like-minded people around the world
  • documenting your professional journey: "the purpose will come out somehow"
  • meta-learning: "learning how to learn"
  • capturing a body of work: how Helen archives her daily Snapchat videos so she can "understand what I'm doing"
  • sideline projects: balancing the personal and the professional

Helen also takes us behind-the-scenes of her social media alter-ego, Shazza Breaknews, Foreign Correspondent for fake news channel, CNT News. 


REPUTATION REVOLUTION: The Personal Brand Monetisation Show

How do you extract value from the profile and reputation you've built in the marketplace?

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