270: Becoming your own PR machine: Demystifying PR and making it work for your personal brand - interview with Trevor Young, the PR Warrior artwork
REPUTATION REVOLUTION: The Personal Brand Monetisation Show

270: Becoming your own PR machine: Demystifying PR and making it work for your personal brand - interview with Trevor Young, the PR Warrior

  • S7E270
  • 52:22
  • June 28th 2023

In this special episode, the tables are turned on the host, Trevor Young aka 'The PR Warrior'.

Rather than asking the questions as he does week in, week out on the show, Trevor gets grilled by Brendan Keogh about all things public relations.

While Trevor often refers to PR on the show and relates conversations back to the various elements of public relations, this is the first time he has devoted the whole episode to breaking down the PR discipline.

Why is this important?

For starters, PR is incredibly misunderstood, not just in business generally, but also within the marketing and communications industry specifically.

Secondly, Trevor strongly believes that once you understand PR and how the discipline works, then (a) you're going to be able to put it to work for your brand and your business in a strategic way, and (b) you'll put yourself in the position to gain an edge over your competitors and others in the marketplace.

Critically, while certain skills are required to successfully develop and implement PR and communications programs at a high level, it's certainly not something that's beyond any savvy entrepreneur or business professional.

It all comes down to mindset, and the willingness to learn and experiment.

Trevor says he knows of many entrepreneurs who are better at PR than those who specialise in the space! It's because they've listened, learned ... and most importantly, have taken action!

A key part of this conversation is Trevor's marketing communications pyramid, a framework he uses to break down all the elements that make up marcomms generally, so he can then isolate the PR elements and where they sit in the broader picture.

If you're a business owner, or a marketer or PR pro, you'll want to dig deep into this episode as it will provide you with heaps of food for thought!

QUOTABLE QUOTE: "PR does not stand for Press Release!" - Trevor Young


CHECK OUT TREVOR'S 'MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS PYRAMID' DIAGRAM (as discussed on the show) - go to trevoryoung.me/prmachine

REPUTATION REVOLUTION: The Personal Brand Monetisation Show

How do you extract value from the profile and reputation you've built in the marketplace?

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