Diastasis Recti Surgery artwork
Restore Your Core: Diastasis Recti and Pelvic Floor Talks

Diastasis Recti Surgery

  • S1E5
  • 07:40
  • April 24th 2020

You should only consider DR surgery after being enrolled in at least a year of core rehab focusing on corrective exercises and diastasis recti specific strength training. If you have done rehab diligently, and you still notice a significant gap, lower back pain, or leakage, you could consult your doctor and begin discussing whether or not surgery is the right option for you. 

Another thing to consider when opting for a diastasis recti surgery is whether or not the gap is causing you pain or any other difficult symptoms. If you are wanting to pursue surgery for cosmetic purposes rather than functionality, it is key to understand that a diastasis recti surgery is highly invasive, and there will be a significant amount of time taken to recover. And, as all surgeries go: the pros should outweigh the cons. 

Read the full article here:


The effects of the surgery (stomach swelling, scarring, etc.) may take 6 months or even up to 12 months to fully go down or diminish in coloring and size. Once you have regained your strength and believe you are ready to begin building up core strength again, consult a trained professional to outline an exercise routine that would best suit your needs.

Video Summary:


Restore Your Core: Diastasis Recti and Pelvic Floor Talks

The Restore Your Core podcast is all about health and fitness for those struggling with Diastasis Recti or Pelvic Floor issues.

Lauren Ohayon makes videos, runs a thriving facebook group, and creates blogs that help people to feel better and reclaim their healthy bodies.


If you're too busy to read the blog then feel free to listen to the podcast! We hope to be a part of your core restoration journey.