Is Diastasis Recti Fixable? artwork
Restore Your Core: Diastasis Recti and Pelvic Floor Talks

Is Diastasis Recti Fixable?

  • S1E8
  • 08:36
  • April 24th 2020

There is really no clear way as to how exactly a diastasis recti develops. A diastasis can occur for many reasons. One of the most common ways a diastasis recti occurs is through pregnancy. This should not alarm you though. 100% of all pregnant women have a diastasis recti. This is caused by the stretching of the abdominals to accommodate the growing uterus. Issues accompanying a diastasis recti are typically only a concern if your abdominal muscles have not recentered by about 6 to 12 weeks postpartum.

Due to diastasis recti being more common during and after pregnancy, many methods of avoiding its development involve postural awareness, corrective exercises, and a conscious prehab approach during pregnancy. Yet, there are several things to keep in mind regardless of whether you are male or female, pregnant or not.

  • Understand a good / healthy / functional core strategy 
  • Practice appropriate breathing patterns
  • Ensure your abs are free from excess tension
  • Avoid exercises that increase focalized tension in the abdomen
  • Practice good posture

Although diastasis recti is not completely avoidable in some cases, the list above helps paint a clear picture on how to protect your core while still staying active. The key is to be mindful of your body’s function and how to increase your functionality and build strength without causing harm to your body.

Find the video summary below:

Restore Your Core: Diastasis Recti and Pelvic Floor Talks

The Restore Your Core podcast is all about health and fitness for those struggling with Diastasis Recti or Pelvic Floor issues.

Lauren Ohayon makes videos, runs a thriving facebook group, and creates blogs that help people to feel better and reclaim their healthy bodies.

If you're too busy to read the blog then feel free to listen to the podcast! We hope to be a part of your core restoration journey.