Postpartum Workout Plan artwork
Restore Your Core: Diastasis Recti and Pelvic Floor Talks

Postpartum Workout Plan

  • S1E29
  • 02:34
  • February 19th 2021

Giving birth takes a toll on your body – both physically and emotionally. Many postpartum people will feel overwhelmed and exhausted after giving birth, which can make it difficult to return to a daily regimen. Other people, especially those who had a regular workout plan before and during their pregnancy, may attempt to get back to their fitness regimen before they are ready. It is important to have a postpartum workout plan, but how do you know when it is the right time to begin?

In this article I hope to answer your most pressing questions regarding postpartum exercise and when to begin.

How Soon Can You Exercise After Giving Birth?

Before you begin a strenuous exercise routine, it is important that you have clearance from your medical provider to begin exercising. This is especially true if you have had a c-section or had a complicated pregnancy or birth. In most cases, people who had a vaginal delivery can begin light physical activities a few weeks post pregnancy. Yet, you should only begin exercising as you are able.

During your 8 week postpartum check up, your doctor will most-likely recommend beginning returning to your normal pre-pregnancy routine. This can include light exercise and beginning to develop a workout plan for the months ahead. It is important that during this time you take it slow. Focusing more on spending time with your baby, your mental health, and making gradual steps toward recovery are more important than trying to lose weight fast or regaining that sexy, pre-pregnancy body.

Over the first 8 weeks or more, you may gradually integrate workouts as you regain strength in your core, upper and lower body, and neck. Ensuring that you make smart choices in your workout plan can help prevent overexertion, postpartum pain and bleeding, and help you reach a safer, sustained postpartum recovery.

It is true that 8 weeks or more can feel like a very long waiting period, but your overall health is more important than a slim body. However, making sure that the early stages of your recovery are done carefully can help you get back to a more intensive postpartum workout plan safer and sooner. Rest, hydration, and nutrition should be the focus in the early stages of your recovery.

When to Start Postpartum Workouts?

The appropriate time to begin postpartum workouts varies depending on your delivery experience. As mentioned above, many women who delivered their child without any complications or if they delivered vaginally, may begin with light exercise (i.e. walking, food prep, household activities) only a few weeks after their delivery. Women who delivered via c-section or experienced complicated birth, should wait until the 8 week mark, or talk with their medical provider before starting a fitness plan. I always recommend waiting at least 8 weeks, regardless of delivery method, in order to approach recovery well and safely.

What Are the Benefits of Exercising Postpartum?

Building a smart postpartum workout plan and returning to a consistent fitness routine may help many postpartum people close their diastasis recti gap, begin strengthening their pelvic floor, and help reduce baby weight. Some women may benefit by experiencing a sense of normalcy as they begin returning to their pre-pregnancy routine, others may benefit by having time dedicated to personal health and recovery – both with their bodily and mental health.

Restore Your Core: Diastasis Recti and Pelvic Floor Talks

The Restore Your Core podcast is all about health and fitness for those struggling with Diastasis Recti or Pelvic Floor issues.

Lauren Ohayon makes videos, runs a thriving facebook group, and creates blogs that help people to feel better and reclaim their healthy bodies.

If you're too busy to read the blog then feel free to listen to the podcast! We hope to be a part of your core restoration journey.