Rectocele Symptoms artwork
Restore Your Core: Diastasis Recti and Pelvic Floor Talks

Rectocele Symptoms

  • S1E20
  • 02:58
  • September 15th 2020

Rectocele Symptoms

A woman’s vagina is separated from her rectum by ligaments and tissues known as the rectovaginal septum. The tissues that line this wall are called fascia. At times, due to compromised pelvic health or pelvic injuries, a woman may experience a weakness of the vaginal wall and rectovaginal septum. When this occurs, a part of the rectum can bulge and protrude into the vagina. This is called a rectocele prolapse.

What is Rectocele?

Rectocele is a condition which causes the supportive tissues between the rectum and the vagina to weaken. This can occur due to excess pressure in the rectum, excess vaginal pressure, or excess intra-abdominal pressure leading to pelvic floor issues such as pelvic organ prolapse (POP). When this occurs, the separating tissues can herniate causing the front wall of the rectum to bulge into the vagina. This issue is also commonly called a posterior vaginal prolapse. Oftentimes, the prolapse is small and does not pose any painful symptoms or difficulties. However, in severe cases, the bulge may manifest outside of the vaginal opening and require surgical repair.

Signs and Symptoms of Rectocele

In many cases, someone may have a rectocele for a long period of time without noticing any symptoms.

In minor to moderate cases of symptomatic rectocele, someone may experience feelings of mild discomfort, pressure, or minor pain in the vaginal or rectal regions. This may be accompanied by a feeling of incompletion after bowel movements.

In moderate to severe cases, women with a rectocele may have an increased sensation of pain and discomfort in their vagina, rectum, or abdomen while pooping. This can be a result of the feces being pushed into the rectocele during a bowel movement. Women with moderate rectocele run a higher risk of constipation, painful intercourse, and lower abdominal and lower back pain. In severe cases, the rectocele can prolapse causing the tissue to protrude out of the vaginal opening.

Other symptoms of rectocele may include:

  • A small bulge in the wall of the vagina
  • Needing assistance of fingers to perform a bowel movement
  • Pressure in rectum
  • A feeling like an “air bubble” in the vagina
  • Pain, discomfort, or feelings of looseness during vaginal intercourse

Other pelvic organ prolapse issues such as vaginal prolapse, uterine prolapse, rectal prolapse, or other issues with the pelvic floor.

Rectocele is a common condition many women may face without ever knowing it. Most often it is associated with postpartum issues, but it can affect women who have never been pregnant as well.

If you are experiencing severe issues such as: tissue bulging through your vaginal opening or constant struggles with constipation, it may be time to consult your doctor for a proper diagnosis. Generally a Urogyn is the best bet for diagnosis.

Restore Your Core: Diastasis Recti and Pelvic Floor Talks

The Restore Your Core podcast is all about health and fitness for those struggling with Diastasis Recti or Pelvic Floor issues.

Lauren Ohayon makes videos, runs a thriving facebook group, and creates blogs that help people to feel better and reclaim their healthy bodies.

If you're too busy to read the blog then feel free to listen to the podcast! We hope to be a part of your core restoration journey.