The Why Special - do you ask why? How else can you ask questions that get results?
- E9
- 22:31
- March 22nd 2019
"Why?" is an incredibly popular question. I think it has problems. I try to avoid it when I'm consulting. In this show we will examine "Why?" and under what circumstances I do use it. "Why?" is almost a default question because it can take the place of every other question. It is easy to ask. We don't even need to know what answer we want. It's also a very ambiguous question, and when we ask why there is a risk that people try to read into our motivation, and that people might take offence. Show notes will be available at https://eviltester.com/show
The Evil Tester Show
Software Testing and related topics from Software Development Expert Alan Richardson. Covering topics like: Software Testing, Exploratory Testing, Test Automation, Test Management, Software Development and Programming. Show notes at https://eviltester.com/show