Paying for Results Instead of Excuses artwork
The Complete Man

Paying for Results Instead of Excuses

  • 20:15
  • November 2nd 2020

In the last couple of years, I've spent thousands of dollars on marketing, and from most of the people I hired, I got much less back, in terms of results.

This problem isn't exclusive to marketers, either. It seems like a lot of people these days want to get paid, just for showing up, regardless of what they deliver.

As business owners, how do we put an end to the madness? And, is this an issue that goes beyond the business world? Is it now starting to show up at a societal level?

Join us as we reveal:

  • The 3 main reasons business owners hesitate to invest in their own marketing
  • Proof that modern business is programming people to NOT deliver results
  • Why hourly and salary employees are holding your business back
  • How ideas of equity and participation trophies are affecting the modern workplace
  • The pros and cons of capitalism and social welfare
  • How freeloading team members affect the morale of your hardest-working people
  • The biggest reason to pay your team members based on their results
  • The one person on your team you NEVER want to pay based on results (and why)
  • And a lot more

Listen now.

The Complete Man Podcast with Purdeep Sangha

Are you a CEO, business owner, entrepreneur or executive? Then this is the podcast for you.

The Complete Man podcast is for men seeking more than just financial success in life.

Topics include entrepreneurship, leadership, strategy, marketing, operations, family dynamics, wealth management, buy and selling, mergers and acquisitions and much more. If you own a startup, small business, a larger family enterprise, or lead a public company, this podcast is for you!

Build a healthy business. Live a good life. Make a positive impact on the world. That's what being a Complete Man is all about.

Hosted by award-winning author, Purdeep Sangha.