#172 Do You Need A Website? artwork
The Sam + Jo VA Show

#172 Do You Need A Website?

  • S1E172
  • 17:22
  • September 13th 2023

If we had a dollar for every aspiring virtual assistant whose been told they need a website in order to get clients, we’d be planning an early retirement in the Maldives!

Look don’t get us wrong. Nothing gets our engines purring harder than a great converting website with clear messaging and a strong personal brand. This type of website can do wonders for an established virtual assistant’s credibility.

BUT … the cold hard truth of the matter is that 99% of the time this ^^^ is not the reality of a virtual assistant’s attempt at DIYing their website too soon in the game.

We’re here to ensure you’re not wasting your time, energy and money on something that will repel clients rather than attract.

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • Why a website isn’t a silver bullets for clients finding you online.
  • The ONLY virtual assistants that need a website early on.
  • Why having a website too soon will only end in disappointment and frustration.
  • How to get your website up and running quickly, affordably and without the stress

Sam + Jo xo 

PS: The Essential Website Template is now available for $199 NZD and is specifically designed for virtual assistants. Plus, with step-by-step tutorials included, you can finally put an end to your website woes and start showing your credibility as a business owner.

The Sam + Jo VA Show

THE must listen-to podcast for Virtual Assistants around the globe!

Having both independently grown and managed successful VA businesses for 16+ years combined, VA coaches Jo Jensen and Sam Browne joined forces in 2019 to help other VAs specialise, systemise, and scale their very own businesses with confidence.

No matter where you are in your VA journey, whether you're just starting out or you've been in the biz for a while, The Sam + Jo VA Show podcast provides you the best insights, ideas and strategies so you too can grow a thriving, work-from-home, virtual business.

Learn from those that have not only been there, but they've done it (and continue to do it) successfully!

Looking for more clarity on how to scale your business? Access the best virtual assistant training & coaching at The VA Foundry