#169 The Differences Between A Great VA & A Great VA Business Owner artwork
The Sam + Jo VA Show

#169 The Differences Between A Great VA & A Great VA Business Owner

  • S1E169
  • 21:26
  • August 23rd 2023

The perfect follow on from last week’s episode on why being a bloody great VA isn’t always rainbows and unicorns, in this episode we’re talking about the differences between being a bloody great VA and a bloody great VA business owner.

Because unfortunately not even the best VAs in the business are guaranteed to succeed long-term in the industry.

The actions required of a great VA business owner are relatively simple, but you may be surprised to hear the mindset shifts needed to close the gap between great VA and great VA business owner can be mammoth.

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • The differences between a great VA and a great VA business owner.
  • What to focus on to ensure you don’t become a flash-in-the-pan virtual assistant.
  • Why it’s imperative you take control.

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Sam + Jo xo

The Sam + Jo VA Show

THE must listen-to podcast for Virtual Assistants around the globe!

Having both independently grown and managed successful VA businesses for 16+ years combined, VA coaches Jo Jensen and Sam Browne joined forces in 2019 to help other VAs specialise, systemise, and scale their very own businesses with confidence.

No matter where you are in your VA journey, whether you're just starting out or you've been in the biz for a while, The Sam + Jo VA Show podcast provides you the best insights, ideas and strategies so you too can grow a thriving, work-from-home, virtual business.

Learn from those that have not only been there, but they've done it (and continue to do it) successfully!

Looking for more clarity on how to scale your business? Access the best virtual assistant training & coaching at The VA Foundry