Ep199 Will AI Kill The VA Industry? artwork
The Sam + Jo VA Show

Ep199 Will AI Kill The VA Industry?

  • S1E199
  • 28:37
  • May 8th 2024

The knock-on effect of the introduction of AI is HUGE. No one is immune – least of all virtual assistants.

We may not have a crystal ball that will predict the future (wouldn’t that be nice!), but we do have a decade plus of industry knowledge and hundreds of hours of research, testing and speaking with other experts in our greater network under our belt.

All of which has culminated in us being able to confidently predict how the VA space will look in the future ‘thanks’ to AI.

Look, it’s not all doom and gloom! In fact, we believe there are some incredible opportunities for virtual assistants ready to embrace AI in order to stay relevant!

Being the first coaches in the industry to talk about the future of VAs in an AI world is a responsibility we don’t take lightly. And finding the balance between sharing our knowledge so you can start prepping without freaking you out can be challenging.

But when have you ever known us to shy away from speaking out and telling it like it is? 😂

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • Our predictions of how AI will change the VA industry.
  • What VAs need to do in order to stay relevant and future proof their businesses.
  • Why AI doesn't have to be the 'villain' in our story.

Register for the next FREE 'Future-Proof Your VA Business in An AI World' Webinar here.

Get The AI Survival Kit here.

Sam + Jo xo

The Sam + Jo VA Show

THE must listen-to podcast for Virtual Assistants around the globe!

Having both independently grown and managed successful VA businesses for 16+ years combined, VA coaches Jo Jensen and Sam Browne joined forces in 2019 to help other VAs specialise, systemise, and scale their very own businesses with confidence.

No matter where you are in your VA journey, whether you're just starting out or you've been in the biz for a while, The Sam + Jo VA Show podcast provides you the best insights, ideas and strategies so you too can grow a thriving, work-from-home, virtual business.

Learn from those that have not only been there, but they've done it (and continue to do it) successfully!

Looking for more clarity on how to scale your business? Access the best virtual assistant training & coaching at The VA Foundry