The STIM artwork


The Stuff That Interests Me

Created by Brad Griggs • 35 episodes


The STIM stands for the Stuff That Interests Me.

The STIM is about sharing conversations that help me and a merry band of revolving co-hosts and guests to discover more about a variety of topics.

Though these topics will evolve over time, you can bet your ass that dogs, dog training and related areas will be right at the top of the list.

Meet the Host

Brad Griggs avatar
Brad Griggs
Host | HMFIC

Brad is a veteran dog trainer and canine behaviour junkie with 18yrs of hands on experience working with all types of dogs and all types of issues - from the mild to the wild.

Canine Services International is based in Melbourne, Australia and operates the states first full time indoor dog training facility .

CSI delivers a number of programs, seminars and workshops including Australia's premier dog bite prevention curriculums, K9 SPAHRS.

Support Us

A note to all of our valued listeners:

We're chipping away behind the scenes to create something that offers you something more for your commitment to supporting us, however as of now this is the only option we can offer you.

Should you wish to donate, know that we appreciate it deeply - please hit us up on our socials to let us know so we can express our gratitude in an upcoming episode.