Episode 106: 5 Steps To Set Up Your Email Marketing Automation Platform (The Tech Smart Boss Way) artwork
The Tech Smart Boss Podcast

Episode 106: 5 Steps To Set Up Your Email Marketing Automation Platform (The Tech Smart Boss Way)

  • 30:05
  • December 18th 2018

Over the past 2 years, I've talked on the podcast a lot about content marketing, segmentation, customer personas, email deliverability, and automation.

But I've never pulled it all together into an actionable task list of how to set up an email marketing automation too to bring it all together, until this episode.

I just recently switched my email marketing automation platforms, so I found it very timely to share the steps I took so that you can have an idea of how to set up your own email marketing automation process.

In this episode, listen to the 5 steps that I took as I migrated my email marketing automation platform, why those steps are important, and which pieces of technology I used to do it.


The Tech Smart Boss Podcast

We discuss how entrepreneurs, small business owners, and even those looking to make that jump into starting a business can leverage technology to grow faster, more efficiently, and be more profitable all on a DIY budget.