Episode 122: 8 Essential Components of a Landing Page (The Tech Smart Boss Way) artwork
The Tech Smart Boss Podcast

Episode 122: 8 Essential Components of a Landing Page (The Tech Smart Boss Way)

  • 38:43
  • April 10th 2019

We talk a lot about content marketing, inbound marketing, lead magnets, search engine optimization, and all the things that enable you to drive leads from your website straight into your sales queue. But we've never gone deep into one of the most important pieces of the puzzle, your landing page.

Without a successful landing page, you can drive all the traffic to your site that you want, drive them away that is. You have to have a great landing page to seal the deal and get that visitor to give you their information and become a lead.

In this episode, we talk about the 8 essential components of a great landing page and go over some of the technology available to help you make one.


The Tech Smart Boss Podcast

We discuss how entrepreneurs, small business owners, and even those looking to make that jump into starting a business can leverage technology to grow faster, more efficiently, and be more profitable all on a DIY budget.