Episode 130: How To Best Use Canned Responses In Your Sales and Support Teams artwork
The Tech Smart Boss Podcast

Episode 130: How To Best Use Canned Responses In Your Sales and Support Teams

  • 32:21
  • June 4th 2019

There are lots of ways to give poor customer support, and one way, to send a canned response to your lead or customer the wrong way. And yes, there is a right way.

Leveraging canned responses is a key business process that you need to implement in your business, but done incorrectly and you could be ruining your brand.

In this episode, I go over the canned responses that you should implement in your chat, help desk, and sales teams, and how to do it in a way that delights your customers, not upset them.


The Tech Smart Boss Podcast

We discuss how entrepreneurs, small business owners, and even those looking to make that jump into starting a business can leverage technology to grow faster, more efficiently, and be more profitable all on a DIY budget.