Episode 56: The 11 Traits You Need to Adopt to Be A Successful Bootstrapped and Lean Operations Biz artwork
The Tech Smart Boss Podcast

Episode 56: The 11 Traits You Need to Adopt to Be A Successful Bootstrapped and Lean Operations Biz

  • 26:52
  • December 26th 2017

For the past 19 years, I've been on #TeamBootstrap when it comes to running a business, but I haven't always been as lean as I should have been on the operations side.  Having experience being bootstrapped and non-lean versus bootstrapped and lean, I think the combination of a bootstrap mentality and the focus to run a very lean operation is key to succeeding in business these days.  In this episode, I cover 11 traits or characteristics you should try to adopt to make this entrepreneurial journey as successful as possible for you. http://www.techsmartboss.com/56

The Tech Smart Boss Podcast

We discuss how entrepreneurs, small business owners, and even those looking to make that jump into starting a business can leverage technology to grow faster, more efficiently, and be more profitable all on a DIY budget.