Episode 85:  My 4 Factor Task Prioritization System (So You Can Get Things Done, Faster and Better) artwork
The Tech Smart Boss Podcast

Episode 85: My 4 Factor Task Prioritization System (So You Can Get Things Done, Faster and Better)

  • 26:38
  • July 16th 2018

Sometimes things can be a little overwhelming as an entrepreneur.  Things that you have to get done come at you fast and furiously.  And sometimes you just get in a rut and don't want to do anything,  especially when there are a lot of more fun things you could be doing, such as summer vacations.

In either case, you need to prioritize what is important and get done what matters, ideally quickly and accurately.  In this episode,  I go over my 4 steps to help plan what needs to get done each day and week,  which allows me to keep my sanity and be more productive so that I can have some downtime when needed.


The Tech Smart Boss Podcast

We discuss how entrepreneurs, small business owners, and even those looking to make that jump into starting a business can leverage technology to grow faster, more efficiently, and be more profitable all on a DIY budget.