The Saudi crown BEAST getting the many ready for covenant artwork
Watchman Report

The Saudi crown BEAST getting the many ready for covenant

  • E113
  • 1:02:07
  • April 19th 2023

Why is Saudi Arabia all of a sudden the middle east peace broker? Well their leader is the beast of Revelation 13 from the Red Sea, simple. We are building up to the covenant confirmation with Israel and Saudi Arabia which will start the last days and final 7 year period before the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Nobody but us right now if breaking it down from the SIMPLICITY in Christ. Enjoy!

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"Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober."

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Marco Ponce

    A bible-believing son of the true living God by believing the doctrine of justification found in Romans 3:24-26. I believe in Jesus and have faith in his blood fully persuaded. I believe the Authorized King James Bible (Pure Cambridge Edition) is the perfect, pure word of God and is ALL AUTHORITY and I read it according to the commandment found in Romans 16:25-27.

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