Women Emerge with Mellisa Lambert artwork

Women Emerge with Mellisa Lambert

Created by Women Emerge with Mellisa Lambert • 146 episodes

Women Emerge with Mellisa Lambert

This show will introduce you to leaders, experts and motivators who shares their journeys and their stories through: Personal and Professional Growth, Knowledgeable Tips, and Lessons learnt that will Empowers you to Grow! It’s time to grow your: Mind, Spirit, Body, Your Brand, Business and Finance!! You will also learn more about Women Emerge Network. A network created by a woman for the family. Our goal is to help bring dreams, destiny and businesses together.

We want to impact women, the family, the community and the world by bringing resources, education, opportunities and businesses that will make a difference in the lives of many.

Remember, "We Network, Create WEALTH Together while we love, live and laugh along the way ". 

Visit us at WomenEmergeNetwork.com