Episode #2: Kimberly Smith | Several Myths And Misconceptions About Real Estate Property Management
- E2
- 28:31
- June 5th 2019
Kimberly Smith Debunks Several Myths And Misconceptions About Real Estate Property Management In this episode of Enlightened Entrepreneur, Real Estate Property Management expert Kimberly Smith disproves some of the common myths and misconceptions aboutreal estate management that the majority of business owners tend to believe. Kimberly shares the value of real estate in one’s business and what can every entrepreneur do to become more successful in their business.
Key Questions Asked:
How did Kimberly start out in the industry and how did she become an expert in real estate property management? What is the number one myth or misconception that entrepreneurs have about real estate property management? Why is it false to believe that and how does abolishing that myth help business owners or entrepreneurs? What is the second biggest myth or the misconception that Kimberly see entrepreneurs have about real estate property management? How does Kimberly go about correcting that misconception? What is something that used to be true in the world of real estate property management but is now is no longer as effective? What is the perfect mindset an entrepreneur must have to get a certain degree of guarantee that they will achieve some level of success?
Highlights of Lessons Learned:
Systems and Organization
Kimberly advises entrepreneurs to make sure they create a system that will make their work easier. Success is, at the end of a period of time, is looking back and figuring out over that course of that time if your business has been thriving. When you’re starting a business you, need to know what makes you tick as well as what you need to do next. Kimberly challenges start up entrepreneurs to do extensive research and don’t easily take an expert’s advice and suppose that one way fits all.
Real Estate Management
It is important for entrepreneurs to remember that not all developers are the same not all cities are the same not all foundations of buildings. As an entrepreneur, Kimberly reminds you that you have to run the numbers, you have to know your expenses and you have to understand your profit today, tomorrow, and fifteen years from now. Start-up entrepreneurs often don’t look at their real estate, but as you’re building your business, if you can develop owning your own building, it will become one of the strongest assets for your company.
Yeukai Business Show
Yeukai Business Show is a UK-based podcast dedicated to helping business owners and entrepreneurs succeed through the expert knowledge of our highly esteemed guests. On the Show, you will discover what is working Now in the world of business. We discuss key topics on Finance, Marketing, HR, Sales, Business Growth Systems, and Personal Development.
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At the helm of the eponymous Yeukai Business Show is Yeukai Kajidori himself, the podcast program host. Heard of ‘hail fellow well met’? He is sort of that type, just the genuine version.