Episode #30: Jay Allen | Strategies to Sustainably Grow Your Business artwork
Yeukai Business Show

Episode #30: Jay Allen | Strategies to Sustainably Grow Your Business

  • E30
  • 42:31
  • August 9th 2019

Award Winning Success Coach Reveals the Strategies to Sustainably Grow Your Business Have you reached your highest potential? Ever felt the need to remain on at the top of your game? In this episode of Enlightened Entrepreneur Podcast, award winning business strategy coach reveals what it takes to sustainably grow your business in today’s market.


Key Questions Asked:

How did Jay Allen transition himself to becoming a business strategist? What are the mistakes that stop business startups grow? Based on the statistics of 80% of businesses which had a wrong business approach, what are Jay Allen’s thoughts on this? What approach or business strategy he can give to business owners who would like to get to 40% success ratio group? What other mistakes that long-time running businesses do that made them failed? What should be the mindset of business owners if they want to succeed?


Highlights of the Lessons Learned:

The major mistakes identified that business owners do which caused them to fail are:

1. Being driven by the local competition

This speaks about: a) idealism; b) your clear vision of what do you want to achieve and c) your courage to walk where you want to be.

Meaning, business owners should stop looking and comparing to your competitors. They only need to “Simply Look Into Somebody” instead.

Replicating this “Somebody” with his/her extra-ordinary qualities, somebody may look up to you as well – which gives you credits of elevation.


2. NOT Focusing on the big goals

While being consummated by day-to-day thoughts, business owners tend to forget the big goals which you envisioned – making not to touch base on how to grow or sustain the growth of the business. This is equally true for long-term running businesses.

How to avoid this scenario of failing? Business owners need to hire someone who will do and focus on smaller tasks – so that they can focus on formulating and implementing strategies to reach their big goals. To cite, outsourcing services serves perfectly in this picture.


4. Wrong circle and influence of people

Business owners should engage in constant learning. They need to be progressing through the people who can give better inputs and ideas and bring them up.

The attained success will ultimately determine the quality of questions asked within yourself. This refers to your clear vision and how much courage you take in this pursuit.

Yeukai Business Show

Yeukai Business Show is a UK-based podcast dedicated to helping business owners and entrepreneurs succeed through the expert knowledge of our highly esteemed guests. On the Show, you will discover what is working Now in the world of business. We discuss key topics on Finance, Marketing, HR, Sales, Business Growth Systems, and Personal Development.

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Yeukai Kajidori
Executive Producer

Program Director

At the helm of the eponymous Yeukai Business Show is Yeukai Kajidori himself, the podcast program host. Heard of ‘hail fellow well met’? He is sort of that type, just the genuine version.

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Trevor Stockwell
Leadership Coach & Trainer/ Podcast Host

When he isn’t Coaching or Training leaders Trevor Stockwell also hosts the Show. He’s passionate about learning and helping leaders in all spheres, knowing that smart people listen to smart people!