Episode #4: Tiffany Sartor | 3 Easy Steps New Entrepreneurs Must Take Before Launching a Business artwork
Yeukai Business Show

Episode #4: Tiffany Sartor | 3 Easy Steps New Entrepreneurs Must Take Before Launching a Business

  • E4
  • 33:16
  • June 10th 2019

Tiffany Sartor Talks About 3 Easy Steps New Entrepreneurs Must Take Before Launching a Business In this episode of Enlightened Entrepreneur entitled ‘The Beginner’s Guide for How to Get Started with an Online Business,’ Tiffany Sartor shares her insights and experiences in building her own business, discussing three major steps to starting on the right track in marketing your business online and getting tremendous results.


 Key Questions Asked:

What is Tiffany’s background and how did she get started with her own business? What were the changes that she had to go through during her transition from being an employee to managing her own business? What were the roadblocks that Tiffany had to overcome prior to taking the leap of owning a business? How did she overcome those roadblocks? What is the first step every start up business owner needs to take and what is the best way to get it done? How long did it take for Tiffany to complete her research before launching her business? What were the key pointers to identifying which model or business to follow? What is the right mindset for a business owner when it comes to getting started with an online business? What was the biggest thing that had to change for Tiffany during the transition process? What advice would Tiffany give to those who are just getting started or thinking about starting a business? How does Tiffany generate belief in herself and in what she is doing? What other biggest challenge that start up business owners deal with when starting their own business?


Highlights of Lessons Learned:

 Starting Up

Conducting research is extremely important for start up and even long-time business owners in all types of industry. Start up business owners must establish and identify their target audience, which group of individuals they want to present their products or services to. It is also important that business owners familiarize themselves with current market trends.


Business Model

In selecting which business to model yours after, use a business or brand that is thriving in terms of what they’re doing in their industry and how they are raising the bar or setting the standard. When starting something that you’ve never done before, you have to believe in your product and in what you’re offering, and you have to be disciplined as well. The best piece of advice Tiffany has gotten is not to tell too many people when you are first starting your business.

Yeukai Business Show

Yeukai Business Show is a UK-based podcast dedicated to helping business owners and entrepreneurs succeed through the expert knowledge of our highly esteemed guests. On the Show, you will discover what is working Now in the world of business. We discuss key topics on Finance, Marketing, HR, Sales, Business Growth Systems, and Personal Development.

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