Episode 273: Jennie Lee | The Secret to Optimal Wellbeing and Purposeful Living
- E273
- 39:14
- February 8th 2021
Welcome to Episode 273 of the Yeukai Business Show.
In this episode, Jennie Lee shares secrets that will help you reconnect to your soul wisdom and live a peaceful, purposeful life.
So if you want to bring your mind to a state of inner peace, tap into your intuition, and make positive life changes so you can find clarity, inspiration, and joy, tune in now!
In this episode, you'll discover:
- Simple steps for creating balance in your life.
- How to be in harmony with yourself and with the world around you?
- Ways to be more proactive and make positive changes in your life.
- Daily practices for Spiritual, Emotional, and Physical well-being.
- How to embrace your intuition and the need for Self Reflection.
About Jennie:
Jennie Lee is an expert in Spiritual Psychology whose accomplishments include:
- Certified Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT) with over 20 years of experience
- Multi-award winning author of:
Spark Change: 108 Provocative Questions for Spiritual Evolution (Sounds True 2020)
Breathing Love: Meditation in Action(Llewellyn Worldwide 2018)
True Yoga: Practicing With the Yoga Sutras for Happiness and
More Information
Learn more about Optimal Wellbeing and Purposeful Living with
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennieleeyogatherapy/
Website: jennieleeyogatherapy.com
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Yeukai Business Show
Yeukai Business Show is a UK-based podcast dedicated to helping business owners and entrepreneurs succeed through the expert knowledge of our highly esteemed guests. On the Show, you will discover what is working Now in the world of business. We discuss key topics on Finance, Marketing, HR, Sales, Business Growth Systems, and Personal Development.
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Program Director
At the helm of the eponymous Yeukai Business Show is Yeukai Kajidori himself, the podcast program host. Heard of ‘hail fellow well met’? He is sort of that type, just the genuine version.